
Why couples should go to bed at the same time, according to research

Photo: Envato

Some are night birds, some are morning people. Despite differences in sleeping habits, couples try to adjust to each other. Why wouldn't they if they love and respect each other?

Experts came up with some interesting insights when they studied couples who go to bed at the same time and those who go to bed at different times.

The results surprised them.

Talking and cuddling can become part of your daily routine

Every couple wants and longs to cuddle and have a gentle, quiet conversation with their loved one. But how many people actually take the time to do this?

Sleeping at the same time gives you daily cuddles and even some extra time to talk about your day. Science says cuddling releases the neurotransmitter oxytocin in the body. This helps you get closer to your partner and feel more connected to them.

You may resolve problems and arguments

Sometimes the smallest things can turn into an argument, and if you stay away from resolving them for too long, they will only hide, suppress, and leave you in a bad mood.

But when you go to bed at the same time as your partner, you will have the opportunity to talk about those little fights and problems.

It helps you synchronize with your partner

It will be easier for you to adapt to each other and you will feel more relaxed. You will also avoid waking up unnecessarily when your partner goes to bed later than you, which can lead to a bad mood.

Photo: Envato

It can improve your physical health

Your body has a sense of security and as a result positive changes are taking place in it. It can lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation.

Your mental and emotional health improves.

Anxiety is reduced as you feel more relaxed and secure. Over time, you will find it easier to talk to your partner about everything, about problems and about happiness. You will feel happier.

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