
Why do experienced housewives add baking soda or baking powder to homemade jam?

Photo: Roman Odintsov / Pexels

Let's see how to make the best homemade jam. Have you ever wondered why some housewives add a pinch of baking soda or baking powder to their jams? What do these two ingredients actually do to the flavor and texture of the jam?

Homemade jam requires some knowledge and experience. You might think it is making jam is easy – fruit, sugar and cooking. But the truth is that different fruits carry different shades of acidity, which ultimately affects the taste of the jam.

Fortunately, experienced cooks share a trick that turns out to be the right solution when we are dealing with a distinctly sour jam.

Homemade jam: How does baking soda or baking powder work?

Cooking jam. Photo: Roman Odintsov / Pexels

If we find ourselves in a situation where the final product too sour for our taste, the solution can be found in adding a pinch of baking soda or baking powder. This method plays a key role in neutralization of excess acidity in jam.

It's important to keep it moderate - just 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda or baking powder per 1 kg of fruit is usually enough.

But what happens when we add baking soda or baking powder?

When mixed into the jam baking soda or baking powder, a chemical reaction begins. The acids in the fruit react with the baking soda or baking powder and cause the release of carbon dioxide. This reaction has several effects - it neutralizes excessive acidity and creates bubbles that add an airy texture to the jam. Baking powder or baking soda not only improves the flavor of the jam, but also its texture.

If it is too acidic, add baking soda. Photo: Kaboompic / Pexels

It is important to note that this trick should only be used when the jam is really too sour for your taste. Even a small amount of baking soda or baking powder can have a big impact on the finished product.

This mysterious approach represents one of those cooking magic, which experienced housewives guard as a valuable treasure of knowledge.

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