
Why is it good to spend more time naked?

How often do people see each other's "au naturel" and feel truly comfortable with it? Many people feel ashamed when looking at other naked bodies. Women in particular like to compare themselves too much - stretch marks, cellulite, bigger or smaller breasts, shaved or unshaven legs... Why is comparison our first impulse? Why are we obsessed with how awful we look naked? Here are five liberating reasons why we should not be ashamed in Eve's or Adam's clothing.

1. “Perfection” is an illusion

Even though we are happy with our bodies most of the time, we still feel immense pressure when someone "perfect" comes along. Already in early childhood, we learned how to make ourselves more attractive - dresses, make-up, high heels, gels - but when the clothes fall, so does the whole "cover".
“Imperfections” or “flaws” imply that there is an object of perfection somewhere, but that is simply not true! Every body is different. What separates us from other naked bodies is not the body, but the attitude.

2. Showing vulnerability in front of others is anything but bad.

Here in Europe, especially in Germany, it is completely normal for people to swim naked and regularly go to saunas and enjoy it. If we are willing to put up with the discomfort and shame for a while, we will quickly feel more comfortable (only) in our own skin.

3. When you judge other people, judge yourself.

Usually people fear their own judgment the most. Instead of practicing self-compassion, we surrender to fear and shame. Society has taught us that it is right to judge and criticize, instead of teaching us to love and care for ourselves and others. Comparing ourselves to others will always harm us - we need to take care of ourselves emotionally and physically, and sometimes it is even more important to devote ourselves to some kind of "emotional fitness", such as meditation.

READ MORE: Sauna club Breza: To health with a holistic approach to nutrition, exercise and relaxation

"Perfection" is an illusion.
"Perfection" is an illusion.

4. When we women feel comfortable naked, we will realize that we don't need all that makeup and high heels.

If we are or are not quite typical women (read: always well-groomed, with make-up and high heels and on trend), once we feel completely comfortable even naked, we can sometimes forget all the beauty and go back to the natural state, the comfort of being who we are.

5. Being a part of Mother Nature is absolutely wonderful.

We are not our body and we are not our mind. Our body is changing every second, one day it will be old and wrinkled until it disappears completely. Our skin is a material and an object of constant change, and only naked, without clothes, can we really feel at peace with nature and ourselves.

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