
How to prevent sweating on more "strange" parts of the body?

During the hot summer months, where heat and humidity follow us at every step, sweating is almost inevitable. While most people apply some deodorant or antiperspirant, other people sweat in places where this application is not possible. So how to prevent sweating on the more "strange" parts of the body, such as the buttocks, above the upper lip or on the knees?

Sweating above the upper lip

Sweating above the upper lip can be very uncomfortable, especially when the sweating is so strong that the sweat also runs down the chin or into the mouth. In fact, this sweating cannot be eradicated, nor can we do much. We can have a handkerchief with us, with which we can "discreetly" wipe the path. A cloth handkerchief can actually be beautiful vintage a detail that adorns our handbag or the inside of a pocket. It is recommended to drink more cold drinks and less hot ones. It is also good to check if we consume enough vitamin B12 and magnesium during the day, as their deficiency causes more sweating.

Sweating on the knees

Knee joints. We don't know why this actually happens - it would be much more logical if you would sweat behind the knees, on the back of the knees, which are basically the "armpits" of the legs. In fact, you could put some antiperspirant on your knees as well, or you can reuse a handkerchief to wipe your knees.

Sweating of the scalp

Sweaty scalps not only look a bit "sloppy", but the sweat can soon ruin our hairstyle. We can take a small bottle of dry shampoo with us. Of course, don't use it when the hair is still wet from sweat - it will create a paste and the hair will be worse than before. When the scalp is dry, the hair can be revitalized with a dry wash shampoo. If we really sweat excessively, then it is a good idea to wash our face, hair and scalp well every day and after washing apply some baby powder and rub it in well or rub some unscented antiperspirant into the scalp and upper part of the forehead.

READ MORE: What to eat on hot summer days?

Vaginal sweating

Considering that this is a cavernous passage in our body and there are many glands in this place, it should not surprise us at all that we sweat there too. If we put a little baby powder on the mound of Venus and use a laundry protector, our intimate area will remain dry. It is also important to wear the right underwear. Washing more loosely will allow the skin to breathe, and it will sweat less. It is also suitable for laundry used for recreation, as it naturally leaves the skin drier.

Butt sweats

This is certainly not the most "strange" part of the body where we sweat. But that does not negate the fact that force is unpleasant. Before sitting down, you can pull your skirt or dress under you as much as possible so that there is as little direct contact as possible with the seat. When we stand up, we rub the fabric of our dress off the seat. This literally wipes away the sweat we left on the seat. Cold showers twice a day and shower gels with an antiperspirant effect should also help.

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