
The trick to storing strawberries correctly: keeping them fresh for up to 3 weeks

How do I store strawberries correctly?!

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Photo: Pexels / kpaukshtite

Strawberries are those tiny red joys that delight us with their sweetness and refreshing taste. They are great for a snack, an addition to desserts, smoothies or even salads. But, like any love, strawberries also have their dark side - they spoil quickly. So - proper storage of berries!

Proper storage of strawberries?! You have probably already experienced that you bought fresh strawberries, only to encounter the first signs of mold in the refrigerator the very next day. This situation can be quite frustrating, especially if you have shelled out a small fortune for the berries. But don't worry, there is a solution for all problems. Here are some tricks to prolong the freshness of strawberries so that you can enjoy this delicious fruit up to three weeks after purchase.

Using vinegar to wash strawberries

One of the simplest and most effective ways to prolong the freshness of strawberries is washing them with vinegar. The process is so simple that it could be done with your eyes closed (although we don't recommend it). You only need two ingredients: white vinegar and water. Use a 1:3 ratio, which means one part vinegar to three parts water. Soak the strawberries in this solution for about five minutes.

Why vinegar?

Vinegar acts as a natural anti-bacterial agent, eliminating bacteria and mold spores that are the main culprits in fruit spoilage. In addition, vinegar helps remove pesticide residues that may be present on the surface of the berries. After soaking, rinse the strawberries well under cold running water to remove any remaining vinegar. Be gentle so as not to damage the delicate fruit. After washing, place them on a clean kitchen towel to dry completely.

When the berries are dry, transfer them to the refrigerator. It is best to store them in a glass container with a lid (More at the end of this post), lined with a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. With this simple procedure, you will significantly extend the freshness of strawberries. And don't worry, the strawberries won't have an unpleasant smell or taste of vinegar after washing.

Photo: Pexels / Pierre-Antoine

Freezing berries for longer shelf life

If you have a large amount of strawberries that you will not be able to use in a few days, freezing is a great solution. This method keeps the berries fresh for a longer period and is simple to implement. First, wash and dry the strawberries thoroughly. It is important that the strawberries are completely dry before freezing, as excess water will cause the strawberries to stick together.

Spread the berries evenly on the tray so that they are not touching. Place the tray in the freezer and let the strawberries freeze completely. Once the strawberries are frozen solid, transfer them to freezer bags or plastic containers. It is important to squeeze out as much air as possible from the bags, as this will prevent the formation of ice crystals and prolong the quality of the berries.

Although frozen berries won't have the same texture as fresh berries, they are still great for use in smoothies, baked goods, yogurts, jams, or other dishes. Thawed strawberries are usually a bit softer and pulpier, but their flavor remains almost unchanged.

Photo: Pexels / Shotbyrain

Storing strawberries in the refrigerator

Always keep strawberries in the refrigerator, as the cold temperature slows down the growth of bacteria and mold. However, do not store them in the original packaging if it is made of plastic without ventilation holes. It is best to store strawberries in a glass container lined with paper towels. Paper towels will absorb excess moisture, preventing mold growth. You can also cover the container with a lid, but leave a small opening for ventilation. In this way, you will create optimal conditions for storing strawberries.

And so, dear strawberry lovers, you are now armed with the knowledge to keep your strawberries fresh and tasty for longer. So, no more excuses for throwing away strawberries – use these simple tricks and enjoy your delicious fruit long after you buy it!

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