What are the differences and how best to prepare them. Iced coffee and coffee with ice cream are the perfect solution for all coffee lovers, as well as for those who need sweet refreshment on hot summer days.
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
These four astrological signs often find love in a person close to them. They tend to fall in love with their best friends.
Summer is the time when hair is drier than usual and needs hydration like the whole body.
Each of us wants to be successful in life, and it seems to you that it is simply easier for someone. But that's not the case, we can't really know what a path other than ours looks like and how much self-discipline and perseverance someone has put into their career.
Today I passed by the place where we first met, and instead of shedding tears, I smiled as I remembered our first glances and touches.
Crazy right? And so easy and healthy.
There's a lot of dating advice out there. Consider only those in which you and your dignity come first.
It's time to establish new, healthy and simple habits that will help your body stay hydrated. Trends in healthy drinks often change, but a glass of plain water is always in.
When the temperatures rise, we like to opt for cold foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits. But this does not mean that you should give up proteins, such as meat, and carbohydrates, such as pasta.
Not the meditation type? Do you find it boring? There are other options that preserve the essence of meditation - that is, quieting your mind and living in the present moment, training your mind and becoming more aware of yourself.
If you feel bitter, unhappy and want to change your life for the better, ask yourself four questions. Honest answers to them will tell you which direction to go.
Have you had a haircut and you think your hair is shorter than you wanted, so you are already thinking about how to lengthen it or speed up its growth? Or have you simply decided that you want your hair to be as long as possible, but you feel like it's not growing fast enough?