
7 tips to help you get through a divorce

Photo: envato

Your journey has ended. A void remained. An empty bed. Memories. Pain. You don't know how to proceed. He is afraid of you.

About 45 % marriages end in divorce. Even so, divorce can seem like one of the most lonely and difficult experiences for many.

Although it is normal for divorce to be a difficult experience, there are ways to make it easier.

Follow these seven tips to help you get through a divorce.

Don't isolate yourself

You may feel like no one understands what you're going through, but if you isolate yourself, it will stay that way.

Reach out to trusted people in your life when you need support. A therapist can also be a great source of divorce advice.


At the same time, be careful not to pressure people to take sides, especially if they are also in a relationship with your spouse (or ex-spouse).

Maintain a routine

Divorce can turn your life upside down, but a healthy routine will keep you grounded.

Fill your time with regular self-care practices. Take time to cook healthy food or start walking regularly.

Divorce Transformation

One of the best tips is to think about divorce a little differently.

If you feel like your divorce is a terrible failure, remember that it is not a failure. It's actually an opportunity to grow and learn. But if you see the divorce as a loss, make a list of what you actually gained from the divorce.


It can take time to process difficult experiences, but it's worth the effort and seeing both the good and the bad in the divorce.

Focus on other roles

You may no longer be someone's spouse, and that alone can be devastating. However, you can still maintain the other roles and relationships you have in your life.

Above all, if you have children, continue to nurture them to the same extent as before. Divorce will be difficult for them too, but you can make the process much easier with your love and support.

Also consider your other roles, such as daughter, friend or colleague. Remembering these roles will help you realize that there are still many parts of your life and identity that are intact even when you go through a divorce.

Don't get involved in conflicts

If you feel like you have to argue with your ex during your divorce, you're not alone. However, arguing at the end of a marriage will almost never make you feel better.


As much as possible, refrain from talking to your spouse if you cannot come to an agreement. For legal assistance, please contact a lawyer.

Give yourself time to grieve

Grieving follows any loss, even the loss of a marriage. If you happen to have a range of emotions flowing through you, from anger to denial to shock, be patient with yourself.

Grieving cannot be hastened. Give yourself time and don't force yourself to move on before you're ready.

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