
Experts advise: brush your teeth before or after breakfast?

Photo: envato

We can all agree on how important it is to brush and floss your teeth - this way you can prevent caries and dental plaque. But you may not know that it is also important when exactly you brush your teeth: whether it is as soon as you wake up or only after the first meal. We asked what the experts think about it: is it more advisable to brush your teeth before or after breakfast?

Experts in the field dentistry they remind you to brush your teeth twice a day (morning and evening), threading but it is recommended once a day. It is best to brush approx 2 minutes and do it as much as possible precisely. You should brush your teeth in the evening after the last meal or before sleep, but what about dental hygiene? in the morning? We asked if it is better to brush your teeth before or after breakfast.

Brush your teeth as thoroughly as possible Photo: Marcus Aurelius / Pexels

Is it better to brush your teeth before or after breakfast?

Experts first advise that you brush your teeth every day at approx same time. In this way you will establish routine, which will allow fewer chances of forgetting to wash. Of course, the washing time depends on when wake up, but dentists warn: definitely brush your teeth before breakfast.
This is mainly because it during sleep they multiply in our mouths bacteria– it is because of them that many people wake up with "morning breath". These bacteria can lead to tartar and coating, and washing them in the morning remove and thus prevent it from being on them added pieces of food. At the same time your enamel before a meal "protect"– so it creates a barrier between yours teeth and acids in food.
Another reason it is best to brush your teeth before breakfast is saliva production. Research shows that brushing this process speed up, which is extremely useful: saliva helps with food decomposition and in a natural way destroys harmful bacteria in your mouth.

Orange juice after brushing your teeth is not the best choice Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

What foods should you avoid after brushing?

If you ever happen to brush your teeth after breakfast, should you regarding oral hygiene do not worry. However, you must be careful: certain types of food can be combined with toothpaste weaken your enamel and thus increase the risk of developing a wide variety of dental problems.
Foods to avoid after brushing include any foods that can be described as acidic. These are e.g. citrus fruits(mainly citrus fruits) and their juices (say orange juice). You will also find a high acid content in coffee and toast, but you still have to avoid dried fruit, bread and pastry. Dentists recommend that you wait at least until after breakfast before brushing 30 minutes or 1 hour, if you have eaten acidic food. They also advise that you treat yourself after eating Glass of water and chewing gum, which does not contain sugar.

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