
Open monitoring meditation: for effective coping with stress and achieving inner peace

You only need 5 minutes a day

Photo: envato

The fast lifestyle, constant worry and uncertain future that often accompany the modern way of life can very quickly have negative consequences on the body and mind. They can lead to anxiety and other mental problems, as well as physical illness and burnout. That is why it is very important to learn to deal with stress in healthy ways and one of them is meditation. We have prepared a way for you to improve your well-being with the help of meditation in just 5 minutes a day.

Meditation it has long been no longer reserved only for those who live fully connected with nature and they are already learning her techniques for many years. They exist simple techniques, with which everyone can achieve a lot for themselves psychologically also physical health. One of the easiest and the most effective but there are certain ways open monitoring meditation.

Anyone can use simple meditation techniques Photo: Yan Krukov / Pexels

What is Open Attendance Meditation?

Open Attendance Meditation (open awareness meditation) is a type of meditation where you let go unwanted thoughts, I care and unpleasant emotions, to appear in your consciousness, and then "fade" in a calm and natural way, as they are replaced sounds and vibrations, which are located around you. This technique is also great for those who want to improve theirs concentration and attention to detail.

Why is this kind of meditation so beneficial?

Concepts awareness, concentrations and alertness were already known to ancient cultures. They are necessary, indeed we survive: our senses must find out, what situation we found ourselves in and to judge, which is what we have to do focus, to escape danger or we reach our goal.
Awareness It refers to holistic experience, which ours feels experience– i.e. what we see, hear, smell, think... Yet many times instead of focusing on all sides of the situation, we focus our attention only on our own thoughts and emotions. They differ from the messages of other senses, such as vision, in that they are often incorrect. They are a good example negative thoughts, that you have about yourself and the feelings that a certain situation will end unfortunate. Instead of looking at the event holistically, focus on the worst possible outcome, which often has not the slightest connection with reality.
Open Attendance Meditation can help you achieve a mental state where you will instead impulsive thoughts, such as "My friend doesn't want to hang out with me because he hasn't answered me," "I'll never be able to achieve what I set out to do," and "Everything is going wrong for me," able to first to wait, se calm down, and then look at the event realistically.

Meditation can prevent negative thoughts from overwhelming you Photo: Darina Belonogova / Pexels

How to start meditation?

For open monitoring meditation you will need a comfortable chair or pillow, on which you can lean so that your spine is erect, quiet place, where no one will disturb you and timer. It is important to turn off your phone before meditating. set it to silent mode.
Set the timer to 5 minutes and sit comfortably. You have to make sure it's yours back straight and your hands should rest in your lap or on your knees. Then let your eyes be gently they close and focus on your own breathing: feel the expansion and contraction of your lungs. Pay attention to all the sensations that surround your senses: what you feel on skin surface, what it is like air movement in the room. Focus your awareness first on space above you, paying attention to sounds and movement. Then gently move your awareness into the space below you and focus on the places where your body touches the chair and the floor. Then allow the senses to perceive for a while what is happening on your right, and then on your left and behind you.
If you feel your thoughts drifting away during meditation, bring your awareness back to inhalation and exhalation. When the 5 minutes are up, finish the exercise gently. This means that you open your eyes slowly and slowly start moving again. Then say it positive affirmation, such as "I'm going to have a wonderful day today," or "I'm grateful for everything I have." It also helps many people to do some simple things after meditating stretching exercises.

End the meditation with stretching and positive affirmation Photo: Mart Production / Pexels

Meditation during the day

You will further upgrade your awareness if short exercises you do during the day. After the open monitoring meditation, you are in the notebook write it down, what did you notice during it: they came to your mind special feelings or memories? What's wrong with you? surprised, e.g. a sound or an unfamiliar feeling? How was your meditation? the hardest?
Then continue with the exercises also at daily chores. When you arrive at your workplace, take a moment to say yes consciously experience the space you are in. Allow your perceptions to focus to all the sounds, smells and things that surround you. You can do the same when you are in the store, nature, etc.
Open monitoring meditation and mindfulness exercises will help you simple, gentle way helped in dealing with challenges and stress, as well as improve yours general health.

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