
Recipe: Keto Coconut Flour Tortillas

Photo: Envato

The keto diet is a way of eating with very few carbohydrates and more fat. In the keto diet, a person eats much less carbohydrates, maintains a moderate protein intake and significantly increases fat intake. Ketosis is also the main reason why the keto diet is so successful in losing weight.

Coconut flour is one of the best flours for the keto diet, as it contains only 21 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of flour, which is 3.5 times less than regular white flour. In addition to coconut flour, these tortillas also contain psyllium flakes as an egg substitute. Psyllium flakes are vegetable fibers that bind water and are able to increase their volume up to 15 times. They are great for digestion, and in this recipe they give the tortillas a soft texture.

The amounts written in the recipe are enough for 6 tortillas. They will have an average of 66 calories, of which 3.3 grams of fat, 2 grams of protein and 7 grams of carbohydrates and only 2 grams of sugar.

You need the following ingredients for preparation:

  • 16 grams of psyllium flakes - buy them at specialty health food stores
  • 60 grams of coconut flour
  • 240 milliliters of warm water
  • 15 milliliters of olive oil
  • 1 gram of baking soda
  • 1 gram of salt

Mix the coconut flour and psyllium flakes well in a bowl with a fork. Add the water, olive oil and baking soda to the mixture and stir until the mixture comes together. Add salt and knead the dough with your hands to form a dry ball. If the dough is still moist, gradually add a pinch of flakes to lose the moisture. When you are done kneading, let the dough rest for 10 minutes.

Divide the dough into four equal parts and shape each into a ball. Take two sheets of baking paper and place balls of dough on it. Press the dough by hand and roll it with a rolling pin to a diameter of 20 centimeters. To make perfectly round tortillas, take the pot lid and press down on the dough. Remove the parchment paper and trim the excess dough, which can be reused to make a new tortilla.

Add a little olive oil to the pan and heat. Transfer the prepared dough to the pan and cook for two minutes on each side. Tortillas should be soft, should not tear and should not crack when you wrap them. That's why you shouldn't bake them too much. The tortillas can be eaten immediately or stored in a sealed container for up to three days

For you can use different fillings types of meat, especially those with a high protein content: beef, poultry, seafood, various fish. If you also want to use keto stuffing, it is important to choose vegetables that have a low carbohydrate content, and it is also necessary to avoid starches. Choose spinach, swiss chard, Chinese cabbage, kale, bell pepper, asparagus.

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