
Recipe: Light omelette with asparagus

Omelet with asparagus

A light omelette with asparagus is the number one spring delicacy, as it is a light, filling and delicious meal.

Asparagus is one of the first fresh spring vegetables and contains a lot of minerals and vitamins, does not have many calories, and has always been considered an aphrodisiac. Fresh, spring ones are especially delicious. Let's prepare a light omelette with asparagus and surprise our loved ones with it.

Recipe - light omelette with asparagus:

Ingredients (for 4 people):

  • 6 eggs
  • 400g of fresh asparagus
  • butter
  • salt
  • pepper
  • parsley or chives
Omelet with asparagus
Omelet with asparagus


Cut the asparagus into small rings. Melt some butter in a pan and then add the asparagus. Salt them, mix and simmer until they soften a little. Meanwhile, whisk the eggs, salt, pepper and parsley or chives in a bowl. Pour the mixture over the asparagus, cover with a lid and bake until the eggs are scrambled into the omelette. Sprinkle the baked omelette with asparagus with fresh herbs, fold and serve.

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