Falling in love is a feeling known to everyone. We recognize it by strong emotions of happiness, but also anxiety and nervousness, and if we are lucky, after a while it turns into love. Sometimes, however, it happens that our feelings are not reciprocated or it turns out that we are not the most compatible with the chosen one, and in this case we want you to stop thinking about him as soon as possible. We asked what science says: why can't you stop thinking about him and how to get over unhappy love?
personal growth
Those who are considered the smartest differ from others in a few key ways. You can recognize them by the habits that make them successful. Some individuals impress with their intelligence. But it's not all about the intelligence quotient. Their habits also make them special.
Take back parts of your soul and life will bring you new love! Go ahead, you have the life you deserve!
We've all been through periods when it felt like everything was simply too much. This can happen due to painful, unwanted situations, stressful events and the feeling that we are at a crossroads in life. At that time, it may happen that we try to silence our pain through unhealthy ways of behaving, which in the long run make the situation even worse. That is why we have prepared 5 tips for you to deal with a difficult period of life in a healthy way.
We all want to live as full and happy a life as possible, but in today's world filled with worries and doubts, this seems difficult to achieve. That's why we asked what the experts' opinion is: what is the main secret that can make us satisfied and fulfilled?
This is an important life lesson that taught you that you are more valuable and awesome than you ever thought!
I will stop loving you. It may not be today or tomorrow, but one day it will happen.
Maybe this year wasn't your year. You may feel stuck and that everything is going wrong. You may have fallen and picked yourself up, but the past still haunts you.
Self-confidence is the key to happiness and success. A self-confident person navigates many life situations more easily, makes decisions, leaves the comfort zone and fights for his dreams.
In life, we are faced with several important decisions, and one of them is certainly whether you will embark on a new, until now unknown path. Changes are by no means easy, whether it's moving to another city, a new job, a change in the field of relationships... and that's why it's important to think carefully first and find out if a step in a new direction is really what you dream of. We have prepared 6 signs for you that will show you that you are ready for a change.
When the weight of your burden seems too heavy to bear. When your wounded heart and tired soul make you wonder if you'll ever be okay again. When the pain mercilessly eats away at you. When you're on the verge of breaking down. When it all gets too much...
Walk away amid his mixed signals and confused actions. When he says one thing and thinks another. He confesses his feelings to you one day and ignores you the next? Are you his girlfriend behind closed doors, but he doesn't know you in public?