
This is the scientific explanation for why you can't stop thinking about him

Photo: Katii Bishop / Pexels

Falling in love is a feeling known to everyone. We recognize it by strong emotions of happiness, but also anxiety and nervousness, and if we are lucky, after a while it turns into love. Sometimes, however, it happens that our feelings are not reciprocated or it turns out that we are not the most compatible with the chosen one, and in this case we want you to stop thinking about him as soon as possible. We asked what science says: why can't you stop thinking about him and how to get over unhappy love?

Falling in love from of love differs in that the chosen one still we don't know well enough, to be able to attribute their strong emotions connection, his character traits and shared memories. With her, we see the person in ideal lights and we dream of the opportunity to spend time together with her. Falling in love should also last a long time less time like love - is that always the case?

When we fall in love, we only get to know each other well Photo: Katerina Holmes / Pexels

Love or limerence?

Sometimes it happens that we just can't stop falling in love we can't shake it. Although we realize that common future we will not experience with a certain person, but it is still difficult for us to stop to think and to dream about her - even though such feelings hurt us.
If you have found yourself in the description and you already feel in love several months or even year, let's put you at ease first. You are not alone in this experience, and there is one for her scientific explanation. This can also help you to choose an unsuspecting person as soon as possible chase away out of your mind.
A type of infatuation that lasts for a long time is called limerence. They are responsible for it hormones, which are released when your body receives signals from the brain signals or messages. Your brain stores the environment pictures, smell, words... which are to you attractive, known or - especially when it comes to limerence - unattainable. When on these signals come across or on them remember, large amounts are released in your body dopamine and norepinephrine, which make you feel intense happiness, attractiveness and motivation, to connect with the person you are in love with. This hormone often also inhibit sleep and appetite.
If you love refunded, you will also experience the release of hormones oxytocin and vasopressin– hormones that scientists associate with feelings devotion, connection and proximity. They will make you feel calmly, safely and less nervous. What if it's infatuation unilateral? Then the level of these hormones falls and so he steps into the foreground norepinephrine, which will make you constantly under the influence strong emotions limerence, but you will also fight with anxiety and feelings of instability.

Does being in love cause you anxiety? Photo: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

How to get over an unhappy crush?

Unrequited love is by no means easy get over it, but you can make the process easier with the help of science. We advise that you first take care of release of closeness and attachment hormones. You don't need to for that romantic love: you will feel much better if you spend time with friends or family. It will also help if you engage in stimulating activities hormones of happiness (physical exercise, creation, trips...).
It is also important to be with yourself clear up, what kind of feelings it is. It is characteristic of limerence that we do not actually dream of one person, but about her ideal pictures and imaginary representations, how we would function in relation to it - which sometimes has little in common with reality. Without actual experience you can't know if you would be in a relationship with someone really happy and asking what if... questions will only hurt you pain.
When you catch yourself, yes you are thinking about a person who does not return your feelings, so we advise you to focus on yes you will love yourself. You have to realize that you deserve someone who will be you wanted a common future with you and for which you will not have to to fight, even less on him to wait long months.

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