
What is gaslighting? 5 signs to recognize this manipulation

Photo: envato

Recently, you can come across the term "gaslighting" in every corner of social networks. It is clear to most that the word refers mainly to partner relationships and that it does not mean anything good, but many are not quite sure what this manipulation looks like in practice. That's why we have prepared 5 signs for you to recognize gaslighting immediately.

Expression gaslighting is on social networks started appearing only in the last few years, but that does not mean that it is a new form of damage. On the contrary, gaslighting is present in the majority toxic relationships, but means way of manipulation, in which your partner or a friend, a colleague... with his behavior it undermines your perception of reality. What this means in practice is that he will try you to convince, that they are yours memories made up, that you are crazy, because you doubt it, that your reasoning is completely pointless

Victims of gaslighting are often unaware of the manipulation for a long time Photo: Mart Production / Pexels

You might feel like gaslighting right away recognized, but victims report that the manipulations have begun to be aware of only when they survived in a toxic relationship long time. Therefore, it is very important that you are on the signs attentive and that if you are experiencing gaslighting, tell the person doing it as soon as possible you move away. It follows 5 characters, which indicate that you are a victim of gaslighting.

1. You are starting to doubt yourself

What will happen in any relationship is that we will come to a point where we realize that we did error– that's completely normal and then it is best to be with a partner let's talk. But when you're being gaslighted, you'll feel like you're making mistakes constant and started doubt, are you doing anything right at all. In none of their own decision you won't be anymore convinced and so you will start them completely leave it to the partner.
Then it is imperative that you do a step back and think about the future of the relationship, but at the same time put your energy into upgrading yours self-confidence.

2. You notice that your partner undermines your feelings

You should be aware that they are emotions something the most natural and by no means a thing from which we should run is it even? to be ashamed. Instead, you should talk about them with your partner talk and to each other to listen.
If you notice that your partner is trying to get your feelings to undermine and acts like they totally are unimportant and unfounded, this is a sign manipulations. They will be in a healthy relationship despite each other's possible disagreements considered and tried with each other to understand.

In a healthy relationship, they will try to understand each other Photo: Carly Rae Hobbins / Unsplash

3. The partner never apologizes

To each other let's apologize, is not only a sign, but absolutely necessary the foundation of a healthy relationship. If your partner hurt and does not want to apologize for it or out of your pain he's kidding, this is a sign that he is trying to use gaslighting against you.
That's when it's important to set for yourself and you let him know that this is it you are not ready to carry.

4. Every misunderstanding ends with your fault

Is it happening to you to warn your partner that his behavior bothers you offended, and he turns the conversation so that in the end you are the one who excuse me and you admit your guilt? This indicates the use of gaslighting, which in a healthy attitude of its place must not have.
With a partner talk and let him know that by expressing his pain in no way you don't attack, but you are simply trying to him to show, which actions do not affect you well. If not enough mature, to accept this, then we do not recommend that in such a relationship you stay.

Strong feelings of guilt are often a sign of gaslighting Photo: Engin Akyurt / Pexels

5. You constantly feel nervous and anxious

Your partner should represent someone you can relate to you trust, because you know you won't be there condemned. If you are constant nervous and you are towards your partner fear to approach and to him present problems, which you are facing, this is by no means a good sign.
Then think carefully about where such feelings come from come out and also whether you really want to spend the rest of your life with a person who enhances yours anxiety.

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