
Which vegetables and fruits do not need to be peeled before eating?

Health in a shell

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You probably can't imagine biting into a certain fruit without peeling it? Let's see which vegetables and fruits do not need to be peeled?

Which vegetables and fruits do not need to be peeled before you eat it? Several types of fruits and vegetables, which we will list below, are good to eat with the peel, because the peel is rich in nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the health of the intestines.

Fiber is essential for health. Complex carbohydrates feed the gut microbiome, stimulate digestion, help regulate blood sugar and aid in detoxification. In addition, foods rich in fiber help in weight loss.

Chances are, there is an enviable amount of fiber in your bin or compost right now. About 30 to 40 percent of the fiber of vegetables and fruits is found in its skins.

Which vegetables and fruits do not need to be peeled
Kiwi is full of valuable fiber. Photo: Pexels Pixabay

A lot fruit peels and vegetables are edible, but there are also some that are not, but this does not mean that they should be thrown directly into the garbage. For example, the skins of avocados, mangoes and melons are not edible, but you can use them to make a body scrub.

Which vegetables and fruits do not need to be peeled


An incredible 30-40 percent of fiber is found in the shell. Use unpeeled potatoes wherever possible. First, soak the potatoes in water and use a vegetable brush to remove the dirt and wipe it. If it needs to be peeled, save the skins, brush them with oil and sprinkle with salt and bake in the oven. You will get tasty and healthy chips, rich in fiber. The same goes for sweet potatoes.


And here we are with the prickly and hairy kiwi. You would never say that its shell is edible, but it is. If you eat the peel of a kiwi, you will get 50 percent more fiber into your body than if you only eat the flesh of the kiwi.

Before biting into it, give it a good wash under water to soften the texture and remove the rough ends. They are edible, but don't overdo it.


About 45 percent of an apple's fiber is in the peel, which is also rich in pectin, a compound that's great for gut health. It is very important to wash the apples well under water and eat them with the peel, if you know that they have not been treated with chemicals.

Broccoli is useful whole. Photo: Pexels / Pixabay


Broccoli it does not have a shell, but it does have a stem. Broccoli stalks contain more fiber than flowers, but often end up in the bio-waste bin. Cut off all the brown bits from the stem, slice it and use it as flowers. You can bake, fry and cook them.


The skins of all types of pumpkins are edible, but some may be too hard. The best way to enjoy whole pumpkins is by baking or grilling them. If you peel them, do not throw away the peel, but bake them in the oven with a little olive oil and sea salt until they are brown and crispy, you will get pumpkin chips.

Do not peel the carrot. Photo: Mali Maeder / Pexels


Do not peel carrots as they contain a lot of fiber and nutrients. Just wash the carrot well under water, remove black spots and irregularities with a knife, brush or wipe it and eat.


Almost all of the inside of a cucumber is water. Cucumber skin contains fiber and beneficial compounds such as chlorophyll, so don't throw it away. The same goes for seeds, they are another source of fiber.

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