
Do you have them too? 10 main values and conditions for psychological balance

Photo: Chermiti Mohamed / Pexels

Mental balance is very important in our life. It helps us to face stressful situations in a calm way, improves our relationships with people and generally makes us happier and more satisfied with what we have. Experts have identified 10 values that should be followed by people who are the most psychologically healthy and balanced.

Mental balance means we are in life consistent at their own principles and goals, but at the same time we are capable of changes and new situations adjust. We don't let unwanted events get to us thrown off the track and we know ours time and attention defined by always doing what is in the given moment the most important.
Experts from an American newspaper Frontiers in psychology they composed list of values, followed by a mentally balanced person.

Don't let bad situations throw you off track Photo: Tima Miroschnichenko / Pexels

1. Control over the course of your life

You are the one who decides how it will be unfolded your life. Yes, we have no control over many situations, but you shouldn't let yourself become the only one in your own life an observer.
After a bad deal, you have to pick up and again direct towards their goals.

2. Motivation

Don't let your life become monotonously and lean- this is a recipe for a wide variety of things bad feelings. Instead, be open for new challenges and on each discovery watch positively and motivated.

3. Hedonism

There is only one life, so it would be a shame not to waste it took advantage of. Try it to enjoy in every second and don't think about worry but in moments of happiness.

Enjoy every second of your life Photo: Radu Florin / Unsplash

4. Achievements

When we talk about achievements- regardless of whether it is about career or personal life - you must be yourself as much as possible convinced, but you must also be prepared to invest effort. Be proud on their successes and confident regarding their future goals.

5. Strength

A sense of power you are not allowed scare, but you have to learn how to direct towards positive goals. You can reach them much more easily from higher position.

6. Security

When our mental health is weakened, we are more likely to expose ourselves unnecessary dangers.
A mentally balanced way of life means that we always take care of security ourselves and those closest to us and we do not expose ourselves risks.

Don't put yourself in unnecessary danger Photo: Anthony Shkraba / Pexels

7. Conformism

A mentally balanced person will consider the rules, which apply in the company to which it belongs. She will do this both from respect to fellow human beings as well as to avoid unnecessary problems.

8. Tradition

Experts have found that most people who are considered psychologically balanced have solid ideals, which may be related to theirs faith or culture.

9. Charity

Everyone can find themselves in a situation where he needs help, so it is very important that we ready to help both to those closest to you and to all others who have found themselves in trouble. After that, we will feel better ourselves.

If you only have the chance, help your fellow man Photo: Julia M Cameron / Pexels

10. Universalism

Because in life we are not alone, but we represent part of society, it is important to us for things that are happening around the world, it doesn't matter. One of our goals must be to make both better the present like everyone's future.

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