
5 ways you can reduce your risk of diabetes through diet

Photo: envato

For a long time, experts have been identifying ways to reduce the risk of developing diabetes or type 2 diabetes. The latest research shows that the answer lies in the maximum intake of fruits, vegetables and other nutrients that are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. We have prepared 5 tips for you that you can include in your diet and thus reduce the possibility of developing type 2 diabetes.

1. Fill half of the plate with fruit or vegetables

According to experts, you will healthy diet the fastest way to get used to it is to start fruit and vegetables include into your meals. This means that you are, say, next door for breakfast scrambled eggs treat yourself too tomatoes, zucchini, pepper… or oatmeal add your favorites fruit.

A great idea for a healthy breakfast is oatmeal with fruit Photo: Taryn Elliot / Pexels

2. Combine proteins with fats and carbohydrates

It is important to pay attention to when preparing meals nutrients, which foods contain. Ideal lunch or dinner contains both lean protein as well as fats and carbohydrates. You'll find lean protein in foods like poultry, fish, eggs and beans, healthy fats in avocado, nuts and fatty fish, and for carbohydrates we recommend you seeds and beans and others legumes.
It is best if half of your plate is filled with non-starchy vegetables (lettuce leaves, tomatoes, broccoli, asparagus, mushrooms...), a quarter with food containing it starch (cereals, beans and other legumes), and a quarter with foods rich in proteins.
What about when you are preparing a snack? That's when it's best to proteins combine with foods that contain starch. They are a great idea for a snack whole grain crackers with peanut butter.

3. Include phytonutrients in your diet

Phytonutrients are natural substances that give plants color, taste and smell, but they are known for their antioxidant power that protects us from diseases. You will find them mainly in brightly colored fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries, lettuce, spinach, Brussels sprouts, peppers, carrots, tomatoes and pomegranates. They are just as rich foods as they are peanuts, turmeric, parsley, rosemary, basil, green tea, coffee and soybeans.

Phytonutrients can be found in brightly colored vegetables Photo: Ella Olson / Pexels

4. Enrich your meals with fiber

Fibers are very useful nutrients that can reduce your risk of high blood pressure and an excessive amount blood sugar. That's why experts advise you to give it a try 8 to 10 g of fiber include in every meal, which will be easiest to do by enriching your plate with legumes. Just half a cup cooked lentils let's say it contains just 8 Mr fiber.

5. Spread the fruit and vegetable intake throughout the day

Experts recommend that you fruits and vegetables treat yourself during the day several times, as your body will be exposed to useful nutrients throughout the day. It's even better with vegetables replace it proportion of other foods, for example half of the meat or cheese in a sandwich. If you are a fan of fast food, you can vegetables, e.g. zucchini, carrots and onion you add tomato sauces, bought in a store.
In addition to fruits and vegetables, include other useful foods in your meals: cow's milk you can, for example, replace with soy, add to your breakfast flax seeds etc.

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