
A failure in communication that causes marriages and partnerships to fail

Photo: Jakob Owens / Unsplash

Communication is and always will be the key to a successful partnership. Think about what it is between you? Are you making a major communication mistake that could destroy your relationship? Are you interested in which one?

Effective communication is one of the most important aspects of partner relationships, but when partners play the "blame game", no one listens or hears what is being said to them. Constant shifting of blame can easily turn into a problem that leads to the end of the relationship.

Married life or partnership is not always good and fun

Sometimes you will feel frustrated because your partner won't listen to you. If this continues for a long time, the relationship may turn into "blame game", which is filled with nagging, criticizing and adding up mistakes.

Everyone goes through different relationship struggles, but when you stay in a relationship where you constantly they blame each other for problems, such communication will not help you solve problems. Over time, the situation will worsen.

Sometimes the ways you protect yourself from pain can cause you pain more pain. If you don't feel good in a relationship, the easiest way to protect yourself is to add up your partner's mistakes. Only this eventually leads the relationship to a state of criticizing and shifting blame.

In a fit of rage, they pull away from each other. Take your time! Photo: Priscilla Du Pereez/Unsplash

The result of communication based on mutual guilt is that many couples eventually get stuck in negative interaction pattern, and guilt, contempt, and criticism are strong predictors of breakup and divorce.

Have you found yourself in a situation where you and your partner seem to be blaming each other all the time instead of finding out what the problem is and solving it? It's smart communication simple and free way, with which you can prevent guilt and resentment from becoming insurmountable obstacles in your relationship.

Ways to communicate your feelings without blaming your partner

1. Express your feelings by starting the sentence with “I” instead of “you”.

2. Start the conversation when you "cool down" instead of reacting in the moment when you are upset.

3. Find a suitable time to start the conversation, preferably when you are both calm.

4. If the situation escalates, tell your partner that you can't have a conversation at that time and come back to them when you calm down.

5. Before expressing your feelings, think about how the other party might react.

Communication is a tool that can strengthen your relationship!

They calm down and start talking about their feelings. Photo: Radu Florin / Unsplash

Sometimes it's hard to calm down and talk about feelings without blaming someone for it. There are ways to achieve communication that will be free of negative patterns and express your pain in a way that will further strengthen your relationship.

Sometimes you won't be able to do it yourself, so you search expert help, who will make the whole situation easier for you with his advice. When you and your partner stop blaming each other and start getting real communicate without accusations, you will begin to understand how he feels and respond in a more appropriate way (and vice versa).

To have a healthy relationship, you simply need to work on your communication and the way you respond. When you start talking about how you feel without pointing fingers, your relationship will improve.

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