
Fitness tips for weight loss that trainers never reveal for free

Photo: envato

To help you reach your fitness goals, we've gathered some expert advice from personal trainers and fitness experts. Whether you're looking to lose weight, tone your abs, tone your legs, or build muscle on your arms, these fitness tips will help you get lean.

Listed below fitness tips let them become part of yours exercise routines and it will be easier for you to achieve your goals. Remember to start slow and stay consistent and enjoy yourself along the way a healthier life. 

Weight loss tips

  • Drink more water and walk
    Staying active will help you lose weight, and drinking plenty of water will help you feel full and avoid snacking.
  • Set an alarm for leg racing
    If you sit a lot, set an alarm on your phone to take a short walk every few hours.
  • Eat in an eight-hour window
    Start by eating in an eight-hour window and intermittent fasting, then focus on eating healthier foods.
  • Pay attention to your menstrual cycle
    During “those days of the month,” maintain your weight instead of trying to lose it, then commit to your fitness goals when your desire to exercise returns.
  • Calculate your calorie needs
    Track your calorie intake for two weeks and adjust your diet to meet your weight loss goals.
  • Tips for a flat stomach
    Eat meals with reduced sugar content. Reducing your sugar intake can help you achieve a flatter stomach.
  • Improve your posture
    When standing, tilt your pelvis forward to avoid a protruding lower abdomen.
  • Engage your abs
    Train the "plank" every day for 15 seconds and gradually increase the time.
  • Eliminate foods that cause bloating: Avoid foods that cause bloating for a flatter stomach.
Fitness tips
Photo: Tyler/Unsplash

Leg Shaping Tips

  • Do weighted lunges
    Incorporate weight into your lunges to keep your muscles burning.
  • Repeat the exercises with moderate weight
    Repeat sets of exercises with moderate weight for leaner legs.
  • Take up running, sprinting or kickboxing
    These exercises can shape your legs, but make sure you rest to allow the muscles to recover.
Photo: Julia Rekamie/Unsplash

Tips for chest exercises

  • Do chest presses with weights
    Lie down on a bench with weights in each hand and lift the weights above your chest, then lower and repeat for four sets of 12 reps.
  • Upgrade your exercises
    Do the exercises one after the other without a break.
  • Diversify your exercise
    Vary your exercises and reps for better results.
  • Do push-ups every day
    Include push-ups in your daily routine for stronger chest muscles.

Tips for running

  • Do plyometric movements.
    Jump squats improve running speed by teaching the muscles to contract faster.
  • Do interval training
    Alternate between short running intervals and recovery periods to build muscle and improve speed and endurance.
  • Start slowly
    If you're new to running, start with easy jogging and walking and work your way up to longer distances.
  • Stretch before running
    Use dynamic stretching to activate muscles and improve flexibility and mobility.
  • Enjoy the run: Focus on enjoying the run, not the pace.

Hand shaping tips

  • Do triceps exercises
    Use a cable machine or arm extensions with weights to build your triceps.
  • Practice resilience
    Use weights or resistance bands to challenge your arm muscles.
  • Focus on getting it right
    Work on correct execution of the exercise to maximize efficiency and prevent injury.
  • Do compound exercises
    Include exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time.
  • Stay consistent
    Exercise regularly and gradually increase the intensity and weight for better results.

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