
How to cleanse the chakras and restore inner balance with meditation

Photo: envato

In the modern world, where we constantly encounter experiences that cause us stress and worry, it is very important that our inner world is balanced and filled with positive energy. The easiest way to achieve this is through meditation, which clears our thoughts and thus enables us to attract happiness and success into our lives. We have prepared ways for you to use meditation to clean each of your chakras - energy centers in the body that determine how we will feel in every moment of our lives.

When we hear the word meditation, we usually imagine yoga teachers who about the field relaxation and energy they know everything. However, meditation can be undertaken everyone– it is recommended that daily you perform at least 15-20 minutes. There are more different techniques and only you can find out which one suits you best.

The method most recommended by experts in the field of spirituality is completely simple. Do it by settling in comfortable position– best sitting, but you can also lie down. Then set timer (your alarm should be a pleasant sound) and slowly close your eyes. Focus on your own breathing and let all thoughts and worries float away. If it's easier for you, include it in meditation soothing sound– it can be the gurgling of the river, the rain, the sounds of the forest, etc.

It's important to be kind to yourself kind and to understand that sometimes you will need for inner balance more time. When you feel like you are a place where you don't think about anything, able to achieve relatively quickly, it's time to get going specific meditations, dedicated to each of the seven chakras.

Anyone can take up meditation Photo: Serg Alesenko / Pexels

1. Meditation for the root chakra

In meditation that focuses on a specific chakra, you imagine it as energy wheel. Watch which one direction is moving breathe deeply and the process trust. Let each breath in and out give your chakra clean up and enable her to shines again.
Root Chakra represents the origin of our will to live. To clean it, we have to be as much as possible grounded, so we recommend that you do this type of meditation in nature. Focus on the lower part of the spine and you imagine there a red ball of light. Connect to the earth and you visualize the light, which spreads to the parts of your body that touch it. As you exhale, let the light from your spine return to the earth.

2. Meditation for the sacral chakra

Ours sacral chakra is responsible for sexuality, pleasures, and also relationships, which we maintain. Meditation for this chakra is best done with help crystal (carnelian, tiger's eye, moonstone...). Start the meditation in lying position and place the crystal on belly, while imagining orange light, which spreads throughout your body and thus heals it.
It will also help if you imagine that your inhalations and exhalations are waves of the sea. As you inhale, visualize the waves that they rise towards the coast, but when you exhale, imagine the water slowly washes away your pain back to the sea. To make it easier for you, you can include it in meditation the sounds of the ocean.

Visualize waves when meditating Photo: Nataliya Vaitkevich / Pexels

3. Meditation for the solar chakra

Solar Chakra she deserves yours power, ego, passion, as well as for your control over thoughts. Do this meditation in sitting or lying down position, and complete it in the morning. While meditating, gently rub your abdominal area, where your movements should be circular. This way you will mitigate tension, which is present in your mind.

4. Meditation for the heart chakra

Meditation for heart chakra do in sitting position, while imagining that a healing is forming around your heart emerald light, which will act as shield in all the challenges that await you.
In addition to meditation, they are also recommended for the health of the heart chakra other activities, which have a therapeutic effect on us. These are, for example a walk in nature (especially on a sunny day), yoga and sports activities.

5. Meditation for the throat chakra

Throat chakra found in the lower part of the neck, but it is also related to our operation thyroid gland and metabolism. Because she is responsible for communication and expression, its closure may indicate that many times in life we are not telling the truth or we maintain unhealthy relationships.
It is also recommended for throat chakra meditation crystals (sodalite, aquamarine, blue chalcedony...), as they can help you clear negative energy. Focus on your own throat and mouth and start slowly to circle the head, with your mouth closed. Your own release the jaw, and your upper teeth should not touch your lower teeth. Relax other muscles and visualize turquoise light, which represents the truth.

We also recommend using crystals Photo: Anna Tarazevich / Pexels

6. Third eye chakra meditation

Third eye chakra it is not balanced when ours are think about the future full of concern and when we notice that our intuition we don't trust anymore.
When meditating, focus on energy transfer from the forehead to the middle part of your brain. So be it the space around your eyes as much as relaxed. Then start with by deep breathing, by which I mean let them come and go, but don't focus on specific feelings. It will also help if you imagine that your fears and worries slow are leaving your body.

7. Meditation for the crown chakra

Crown Chakra she is responsible for making us feel connected to the world- both spiritual and external. Since its operation directly depends on how we love each other, we suggest that you also write down and pronounce before meditating positive affirmations.
Start the meditation in sitting position and touch yours a few times the scalp. Then at the top of your head imagine blooming lotus flower, from which it rises into the sky purple light. Breathe deeply and imagine this light as you inhale it moves down and into your body, and on exhalation should raises to the sky.

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