
How to prevent snoring naturally?

Photo: envato

Snoring is a very common problem that affects both men and women. This disturbing sound can disturb your sleep, as well as the sleep of your partner or family members.

Snoring occurs when relaxed structures in the throat begin to vibrate and begin to produce sound. Often considered a sleep disorder, heavy snoring can have serious health consequences.

If you have this problem, it is high time to deal with it. There are many products on the market that promise to stop snoring, but they are of rather dubious quality, and their effectiveness in most cases is not proven.

But there are also certain natural remedies that can get rid of snoring once and for all.


The anti-inflammatory effects of mint reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat and nostrils and promote easier and lighter breathing. You can help with snoring as follows: add two to three drops of peppermint essential oil to a glass of water and rinse your throat with the resulting mixture before going to bed. Do not swallow the mixture. Repeat the process every day until there is an improvement.

Olive oil

Being a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, olive oil relaxes the tissues around the airways, reduces swelling and creates a "passage" path for air. It can also relieve pain. Take two to three sips of olive oil before bed, or make a combination of half a teaspoon of honey and olive oil and consume it before bed.

Olive oil. Photo: Pexels / Pixabay


Cardamom is an excellent expectorant and aid in blocked airways. Use it as follows: add half a spoonful of cardamom powder to a glass of warm water and drink the resulting mixture half an hour before going to bed. Do this every day to gradually reduce snoring.


Because of its powerful antiseptic and antibiotic properties, turmeric can treat inflammation and help reduce snoring. Use it in combination with milk. Her potion will help you breathe smoothly while you sleep, as well as improve your resistance. Add two teaspoons of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk and drink it half an hour before going to bed. Repeat the process every day.


If you only snore at certain times of the year, this could also be the result of seasonal allergies. This type of temporary snoring can be treated with nettle, which has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. Pour a spoonful of dried nettles with 250 ml of boiling water. After five minutes, strain the resulting tea and drink it before going to bed. Even two to three cups of this tea during the day, during allergy season, can prevent snoring.

Garlic. Photo: Mike Kenneally/Unsplash


Garlic reduces the accumulation of mucus in the nasal cavity and also respiratory infections. If you snore because of blocked sinuses, garlic can help. Chew one to two cloves of garlic and drink a glass of water before going to bed.


Honey is another option that can help you eliminate snoring. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, honey can reduce swelling in the throat area that can block the airways. In addition, honey "lubricates" the throat and prevents the vibrations that cause the sound of snoring. Mix a spoonful of honey with a glass of warm water and drink it every day before going to bed.


Chamomile has long been known to have anti-inflammatory effects and can help prevent snoring. It relaxes muscles and nerves and can relax those in the throat area, which will help you sleep better. Brew a cup of chamomile tea and drink it every day before going to bed.

The following things can also affect snoring:

Overweight: Obese people have "extra" tissue in their throat that causes snoring.

Don't sleep on your back. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Sleeping on your back: It would be best to sleep on your side. When you sleep on your back, your tongue and soft palate rest against the back of your throat and block your airway, causing snoring.

Alcohol: Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages at least two hours before bedtime. Alcohol can "depress" the central nervous system and cause snoring.

Smoking: This habit can irritate the lining of the nasal cavity and throat, causing swelling and eventually snoring.

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