Most often, we thank other people for their services or support, and this is considered a very common gesture. When was the last time you thanked a "higher power" or yourself for the nice things that happened to you, for the lessons learned and the little things that made your day better? A small notebook, a pen and thinking about what you are grateful for today can have a huge impact on your mental health and quality of life. All of this can be very easily incorporated into your everyday life in just a few minutes.
personal growth
Has it ever happened to you that you didn't want to participate in an activity or a situation didn't please you, but you couldn't say "no" because of a feeling of guilt? Were you worried that friends or colleagues would resent you or to hurt them in that way? Well, you have to realize that the word "no" is sometimes the key to your mental health and that people will respect you much more if you are able to set emotional boundaries for them. We have prepared for you 5 reasons why the word "no" should not bring you a feeling of guilt.
Negative and obsessive thoughts represent one of the biggest blockages. When we start creating negative scenarios in our heads of future events that have not happened and we don't know if they will happen at all, our body is under stress, our thoughts are wandering.
In the modern world, one of the main values seems to be materialism. Of course, there is nothing wrong if we treat ourselves to a piece of clothing, furniture or even a vehicle that makes us happy from time to time, but the problem arises if, as a result, we feel that we do not have the finances for investments that would take care of our well-being in the long term deadline. That is why we have prepared a list of 5 investments that you will never regret.
Business relationships very often develop into friendships, and hanging out after work or during breaks strengthens the team's strength, the sense of community and belonging, so it often happens that colleagues also socialize outside of working hours. We have prepared tips on what not to say at work.
In life, we all experience a variety of trials - from the wonderful ones to the less desirable and painful ones. But they all shape us into the people we are here and now, and that's why we know they happened for a reason and helped us become what we want to be. We have prepared 4 ways for you to know that everything happens for a reason.
Five small changes for better sleep. Sleep has a great impact not only on health and well-being, but also on efficiency throughout the day.
In the world of unrealistic beauty standards and a wide range of fast diets, it can be too soon to feel that we need to lose weight at any cost. In this way, we deny our body the nutrients it absolutely needs for its functioning and put in danger what is most important: our health. To prevent this from happening, we have prepared 3 ways for you to listen to your body in the world of diets.
Do you know the feeling when you try to fall asleep in the middle of the night, but you just can't because you are overwhelmed by negative thoughts?
Feelings of anxiety are something we all experience. Especially in recent years, which have been marked by the pandemic, more and more people are noticing that it is more difficult to manage stress than in the past. That is why it is very important that we are able to relax, calm down and connect with ourselves even in the most stressful moments. We have prepared 6 ways for you to achieve inner peace during a stressful period.
If there are people like this in your life, let them go before 2022 ends because they don't deserve to be in it.
If you are single, it has probably happened to you several times that someone has asked you if you have a partner or partner, and when you said you didn't have one, the answer was that you were too picky, right?