
When love leaves - the biggest mistakes after a breakup

Photo: imdb

What is the easiest way to get over it and turn over a new leaf!? A breakup is one of the most traumatic experiences and that's when we make the most mistakes.

When love ends, regardless of who is to blame for the breakup and why, we feel sad, unhappy, betrayed, cheated, maybe even angry. Many do not want to put up with it, others want to take revenge.

Here are some of the most common mistakes people make after a breakup.

1. They throw themselves into the arms of the first person they come across

Maybe you think this is a good solution to get revenge on your ex and to show him that you can do without him. You might actually feel better and more desirable right now. But think about this new person, maybe they want something more.

Don't be vindictive. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Your good feeling will only last a moment when you are with her. When you are alone, sadness will overwhelm you. Because pain doesn't heal by pretending it doesn't exist. You need to give yourself time to grieve. Don't pretend. Allow all negative emotions to come out of you. This is the path to healing.

2. Revenge

Revenge in a moment of anger and hurt feelings can be tempting as it feeds the ego. However, it only consumes a huge amount of energy and directs it into a negative current. This way you are only destroying yourself, poisoning yourself. Hatred and revenge do not lead to anything good.

The only solution is forgiveness, but only when you are ready for it. The moment you forgive someone for hurting you, you rise above the situation, nothing can hurt you anymore. That person becomes irrelevant.

3. Seeking solace in food and drink

Many people drink or eat excessively when they are sad. This is how they seek comfort. However, this is just something that can take their mind off it for now, but the pain won't go away. She will come back even stronger. There is a risk that you will develop serious addiction problems.

Don't look for comfort in food. Photo: Alora Griffiths/Unsplash

If you turn to alcohol or food (most often candy) for any problem or discomfort, this is a problem that requires professional help, as it can cause significant damage to your health.

4. Calling your ex on the phone, sending messages, tracking

Although you are probably wondering where he is, who he is with, what he is doing, curb your curiosity. Do not ask your ex-partner to come back to you, do not humiliate yourself.

The breakup came for a reason, your relationship had no future, someone was not happy in it, someone hurt someone. If he is guilty, forgive him. If you hurt him, forgive him.

Accept the situation and part ways and that's it. The end. The sooner you process it on an emotional level, face the truth and emotions, the sooner you can turn over a new leaf. Until then, work on yourself, on your self-confidence, find your inner strength, something that will motivate you to move forward.

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