

Ingredients for two people: 800 - 1000 g of sea bass or sea bream 2 tablespoons of sea salt 1 dl of olive oil 2 dl of white wine 2 cups of fish stock 2 leeks 2 zucchini 4 potatoes Preparation: Cut the fish across the belly and thoroughly clean the insides and rinse under running water...

Ingredients for two people:

800-1000 g sea bass or sea bream
2 tablespoons of sea salt
1 dcl of olive oil
2 dcl of white wine
ladle of fish soup
2 leeks
2 flasks
4 potatoes


Cut the fish across the belly and clean it thoroughly
the entire interior and rinse under running water.
Dry in a paper towel and salt thoroughly
from inside and outside. On an oiled baking sheet
place the fish, which is cut on both sides,
cover it with vegetables, pour white wine over it
and soup base and put on the previous one
preheated oven to 200° C. Bake for 15 to 20

The recipe was prepared in the Angel - Kaval restaurant
group – Mercator center Šiška

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