
Who falls in love faster - men or women?

Love at first sight

Photo: Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

How long does it take to fall in love? Is it possible to feel love quickly? You've just come home from a great date, you've got butterflies in your stomach, you're smiling non-stop and you can't wait for your next date. You feel that it is love at first sight and you wonder if the love will last. Regardless of your love status, it's perfectly normal to think about how long it takes to fall in love.

Clinical and sex psychologists are of the opinion that love is at first sight and how long it will last lasted depending on individuals, the circumstances and the environment in which you find yourself. But the following facts are also important that you need to know in order to understand how long it takes to fall in love.

What is infatuation infatuation?

It's love the process of understanding and accepting values, philosophy, history, challenges and eccentricities of the whole person. In short, falling in love may seem intense and overwhelming, but it is also a process of feeling close and accepting the whole being.

How long does it take to fall in love?

Humans have always sought answers to questions about love. Among other things, some research shows that men think about declaring their love when they are in a relationship for 97 days, while women need about 149 days, according to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

A 2010 study published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology found that, although men may not verbalize it, they fall in love faster than women. There are other studies that contradict these notions, so the research is pretty inconclusive. Experts still say that the time it takes to fall in love is different for everyone.

Reasons why you fall in love quickly

How quickly you fall in love can also depend on other factors.

1. Attachment style

People who have anxious attachment style, they fall in love faster. Such people may feel that they need a partner to feel safe, so they are more open to falling in love and get into relationships faster than most.

Those with avoidant styles attachments tend to avoid quick intimate feelings.

2. Intimacy

Yes, falling in love can also depend on whether you have had sex with that person before. Although you may think that casual sex is perfectly fine, it can cause you to develop feelings for someone develop much faster, as it adds another layer of intimacy.

3. He reminds you of one of your parents

We fall in love with people faster if they subconsciously remind us of our parents. Namely, such a person it seems familiar and safe to us, which encourages closeness and ultimately leads to faster falling in love.

Love at first sight

Yes, it is definitely possible to fall in love at first sight, although this is rare. Usually, what people think of as "love at first sight" is actually sexual attraction. Psychologists add that from this attraction, sometimes the stars align and the person you are attracted to eventually becomes your marriage partner, which greatly contributes to the phenomenon of love at first sight.

However, some research shows that brain networks associated with love can be activated within a fifth of a second after meeting a person.


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