
5 Things You Should Never Do When You're Hungry

Photo: Mauro Lima/Unsplash

When an indescribable hunger grips you, maintain a shred of self-control. You get really hungry if you skip a meal or don't eat anything all day. The stomach shrinks and can't wait for you to fill it with something.

You must have heard the saying "Hungry, you are completely different". Hunger makes even those with the greatest self-control fall prey to instincts. To protect yourself from these urges, you should avoid the following situations when you are hungry. Namely, in addition to not being good for the wallet, they can also have more serious consequences. So don't do these 5 things because in most cases it won't end well.

1. Never go to the store hungry

Shopping in the store can turn you into real “devouring monsters". Chocolate, sweets, ice cream and a family pizza package and a juicy bill can be the result of hungry shopping. Many studies have shown that we automatically buy more products that are much higher in calories. Instead, you neglect healthy alternatives like fruits and vegetables. Scientists hypothesize that the brain reacts more strongly to high-calorie foods when you feel hungry.


2. Never go to clothing stores hungry

In fact, even here you can be seduced by hunger. Buying on a whim can eventually lead you into debt. Why? The hunger you feel can subconsciously lead you to make purchases that you don't need, because even here, even though there is no food, looking for substitutes for hunger. According to research, as many as 64 percent of people spend more money on such purchases.

3. You're more argumentative when you're hungry

According to studies, low blood glucose levels are to blame. This should affect the aggressive potential. Namely, self-control requires energy and there is no such thing on an empty stomach. Therefore, if you have a hungry stomach, avoid discussions and sensitive conversations.

4. Don't make important decisions

Research has shown that hunger leads to irrational decisions in other areas of life as well. The instant prize is yours much more important, so it is good to avoid, for example, credit counselors and sellers who lead you to make irrational purchases. The ability to forgo short-term rewards is important for later long-term consequences, especially in financial decisions.

5. Never go to bed hungry

According to general recommendations, the last meal should be eaten at least 2 hours before bedtime. Why? The first reason is certainly the fact that digestive processes slow down during sleep. Eating too late can cause indigestion. But it's still not good to skip dinner, because a low glucose level can prevent you from falling asleep. For better sleep, choose foods that are easier to digest. For dinner, prepare dishes that contain more easily digestible carbohydrates and less protein. Food containing melatonin is also recommended.


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