
This is how you shovel snow correctly!

Shoveling snow

Chipping, a necessary evil of winter. The dancing of snowflakes and the sight of the whitewashed landscape and streets quickly spoils the thought of tearing for many. But tearing is the price for a winter fairy tale. It's a no-brainer, but it can be great recreation if you know how to do it right. Check out how to tackle the snow so it's spine-friendly and super easy.

You know throw snow correctly? Stupid question, right? Not really. Some movements can be very dangerous. Today, people are no longer used to so much physical effort, so we shouldn't get tired unprepared. What a stretch a little warm-up before that, therefore, it doesn't hurt. You also don't have to rush. Work slowly and don't overestimate your abilities. And don't forget about suitable clothing and footwear, which does not slide.

READ MORE: Snow shoveling as a recreation

It is important to do it in the cutting phase itself gap, so that we stand far enough apart, don't bend down too much and don't put too much snow on the shovel. We prefer to push away several times a little at a time. The key is that your the cross is not bent when throwing, but they should bear the level and weight of the work knees and not the spine! Learn more about the correct throwing technique in the instructional video.

Correct snow throwing technique:

If you have high blood pressure, back problems or are a heart patient, leave the tearing to someone else.

If the snow sticks, you can try to "throw" like this:

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