
A trick to cook eggs without a pan or water: Hard-boiled eggs from the oven

Photo: City Magazine

Have you ever thought about how you could cook eggs in a completely different way? Does the idea of cooking hard-boiled eggs in the oven seem unusual or even a little weird?

You are probably used to the classic method of cooking eggs in a pot of boiling water, but there is an alternative that requires neither pot nor water. Imagine being able to make a larger batch of perfectly cooked eggs without having to watch the cooking time or deal with water, which is bubbling. How about eggs cooked without worrying about it bursting?

The answer is hard-boiled eggs from the oven

This unusual method can produce surprisingly good results, with little effort and almost no supervision.

Advantages of cooking eggs in the oven

It allows you to prepare a large amount of eggs at once, which is ideal if you are preparing breakfast for a large group of people or if you want to have them cooked in advance. Second, this method reduces the chance of the eggs cracking during cooking, as there is no direct contact with boiling water. Finally, the even heat in the oven ensures that the eggs cooked evenly, without those unpleasant green borders around the yolks that are sometimes seen in traditionally cooked eggs.

Perfect hard boiled eggs. Photo: алексей-вечерин / Pexels

Preparation instructions

You'll need very little to make hard-boiled eggs in the oven: a standard oven, one or more baking racks (depending on how many eggs you want to make), parchment paper to protect the bottom of the oven in case the egg cracks, and a bowl of ice water to quickly cool the eggs after baking. Of course, we must not forget the main ingredient: eggs.

First, preheat the oven at 160°C. This temperature is key as it ensures that they will cook slowly and evenly.

Lay the eggs directly on the grates in the oven, making sure that they are evenly distributed and that they overlap they don't touch. Place under the grill parchment paper or a baking tray to catch any drips or even an egg if it cracks.

Bake for 30 minutes. This time is enough for the eggs to become hard-boiled while maintaining a nice texture and flavor.

When the eggs are cooked, carefully transfer them to a bowl with ice water. This stops the cooking and makes peeling easier. Eggs should be in water at least 10 minutes, and then you can peel them.

Peeled eggs. Photo: Pixabay

Tips for perfectly poached eggs

Older eggs are easier to peel than fresh ones. If you plan to bake eggs in the oven, consider using eggs that have been refrigerated for at least a week. Using ice cold water immediately after baking is crucial. This not only stops the cooking, but also causes the egg white to curdle slightly away from the shell, making it easier to peel. Peeling eggs under running water can help remove bits of shell and make the whole process easier.

The next time you're thinking about making hard-boiled eggs, use the oven.

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