

Ingredients: 8 asparagus, 6 elderflowers, 12 dkg of raw rice, 6 shallots, 1 dcl of olive oil, a pinch of salt and white pepper, 1 dcl of white wine, 7 dcl of salty dill or soup base, 2 tablespoons of grana padana, 1 tablespoon of raw butter ,1 dcl of sweet...


8 asparagus,
6 elderflowers,
12 dkg of raw rice,
6 shallots,
1 dcl of olive oil,
a pinch of salt and white pepper,
1 dcl of white wine,
7 dcl salted dill or soup base,
2 tablespoons gran padana,
1 tablespoon raw butter,
1 dcl of sweet cream.


Fry chopped shallots in olive oil,
add the rice until glazed. Add asparagus,
elderflowers, salt and pepper
and gradually add the hot soup base.
After 20 minutes, mix in butter and sweet
cream and serve.

The recipe was prepared at the Angel restaurant
(Mercator Center, Ljubljana).

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