
Eliminate neck and back pain in just six minutes

Photo: envato

A simple exercise that will release the knots and bring you relief and reduce neck and back pain!

An unpleasant feeling in the back, pain, pressure, stinging, all these feelings can have a negative impact on the quality of life.

One of the most common pains is between the shoulder blades, where most stress accumulates and which suffers from a sedentary lifestyle and poor posture. The muscles in this area often contract from carrying heavy bags all the time, sitting at the computer for long periods of time, or even holding a cell phone for long periods of time while your arm is bent.

One of the most common tips for reducing back pain is exercise. This is an effective way to get rid of back and neck pain.

Exercise will strengthen your muscles and reduce pain. Photo: Bruce Mars / Unsplash

You need only 6 minutes, instead of special equipment only a tennis ball. For these exercises, lean against a flat wall and place a tennis ball in between. As you move, she will move too, making this treatment the perfect self-massage.

In order to achieve permanent positive effect, you must repeat these exercises regularly. However, if you have severe pain, injury to the spine or any part of the back, before performing these exercises it is necessary to consult with doctors.

Also, do not strain your back too much during the exercise, but everything do it slowly and only up to the pain you can bear.

See how to perform a back self-massage with a ball in the video below!

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