
Goodbye pain pills! 10 solutions to overcome headaches naturally

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Nobody likes headaches. Not only can pain be extremely annoying, it also hinders our ability to work and spend quality time with our loved ones. The easiest solution for many people seems to be to reach for a painkiller pill, but your body will not thank you in any way if you overdo it, and it will also get used to them too quickly and need more of them to quell the pain than at the beginning. That's why we have prepared for you 10 ways to get rid of a headache without painkillers.

Pills are not always the solution to pain. Find the cause and get rid of headache naturally!

1. Make sure you drink enough water

Before you devote yourself to bliss symptoms, it is necessary to find for headache the cause. And it is one of the most common dehydration. Our body needs approx 3 and a half liters per day for men and 2 and a half liters daily for women.
That is why we advise you to sleep first when you are in pain a glass or two and you wait half an hour , while you watch to see if your status has changed. Dehydration in addition to headache can also cause irritability and reduces concentration, and it has a long-term effect on health harmful effects. That's why we recommend that you take it with you whenever you leave home water bottle.

Water should be your first remedy for a headache Photo: Anna Shvets / Pexels

2. Take a nap for a while

It is also among the common causes of headache lack of sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, in addition to having a headache, you will also exhausted, irritated and you will be more difficult concentrated to work.
Therefore, we recommend that you treat yourself afternoon rest- only 15 minutes of rest can have a very positive effect on your health and well-being.
Rest will also reduce pain if the cause lies in excessive light exposure or phone screen. The theme will have a very beneficial effect on you in this case.

3. Relax with conversation or meditation

He has a headache very often psychological causes. You are constant worried, you keep thinking about quarrel with a partner or friend or live in of fear before the future? All this will affect your body far from being beneficial, so we recommend that your anxiety relax with conversation with someone you trust or meditation.
Caution: If you feel that your concerns are too severe for these two to really help, we recommend talking to experts.

4. Take up yoga or breathing exercises

Like meditation, it has a headache, the cause of which lies within you psyche, an extremely positive effect, also the performance breathing exercises or yoga. Try to incorporate both into yours everyday and thus prevent you from spending your days at a constant worries and anxiety.

5. Go for a walk

A headache is often the body's warning that it urgently needs it fresh air. If you have spent the whole day in an office or other stuffy place, we recommend that you go to a short walk and thus purify your body as well thoughts.
We suggest that you include the walk in yours daily routine– you will be surprised when you notice how positively it can affect you just by itself 15 minute walk daily.

6. Treat yourself to a cup of coffee

S caffeine under no circumstances should you have a headache to exaggerate, as this will increase your pain. However, it does one cup of coffee can have very beneficial effects on you. Those of you who are used to drinking coffee every morning, you may experience a headache even if you haven't had coffee that day: in this case, caffeine intake may be the best gradually reduce.
Treat yourself after a cup of coffee Glass of water: so you will prevent dehydration.

A headache can often be alleviated with a cup of coffee Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

7. Make ginger tea

Studies show that it does ginger can against migraines very positive effects. You can get it into your body in several ways: you can cook it ginger tea, you take ginger supplement or you are with diluted ginger oil massage your forehead, neck, temples and even your back.

8. Use cold compresses

Experts especially for those of you facing migraines, recommend its use cold compresses. You can decide to gel packs, ice cubes, which you wrapped in a towel, or, if you don't have another at hand, bag of frozen vegetables.
We recommend that you lie down to bed you turn off the light and hold the compress on your head for approx 15 minutes, and then take a 15-minute break. If necessary, the procedure repeat.

9. Try warm compresses

For some, more than cold, they help warm compresses. We recommend these if you feel that your headache is based on muscle tension.
You can use it set to a lower temperature heating plate, compress, which you wet with warm water or soaked in hot water a towel. We suggest that you keep the compress on your head for approx 15 minutes, then you wait 15 minutes and the procedure, if the pain has not stopped, repeat. It also helps some a warm shower or bath.

10. Treat yourself to a massage

Massage of the diseased area helps especially if your headache originates from stress. We suggest you get a massage the scalp, forehead, jaw and neck and that this, if at all possible, be done in darkened rooms, trying as hard as you can relax.

Additional tip:

Although the causes of headache are usually innocent, it is necessary that you are on the pain attentive. If the headache by no means it doesn't stop or being accompanied dizziness and speech and understanding problems, it is best to consult as soon as possible with doctors. Also do this if the cause of the pain lies in head injury.

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