
How to prepare fried fish so that they are wonderfully crispy and less greasy

Photo: envato

How to prepare fried fish so that they are less greasy and more crispy?

Fried fish, with their taste and texture, are a popular dish in many cuisines around the world. The secret of their success is not only in the selection of quality fish, but also in preparation techniques, which ensure optimal crispiness.

Let's look at some tricks to help you prepare fried fish!

Turkish trick for baking without oil

If you want to bake fish without using a lot of oil, imitate the Turks and reach for parchment paper. This ingenious method not only minimizes the amount of oil added, but also keeps the pan free of unnecessary fat.

Simply place the fish on parchment paper, bake on one side until the edges of the paper are golden brown. Then make a few holes with a toothpick, turn them to the other side and cook for a few more minutes. The end result: crispy fish, prepared without excess fat!

Girice, a smaller version of sardines. Photo: Levent Yucelman / Pexels

A special mix of flours

For extra flavor and crunch, prepare a special flour mixture. Mix wheat flour, corn flour and add a pinch of salt to taste. Roll the fish thoroughly in this mixture before placing them in the hot oil. This trick will ensure that your dumplings are perfectly crispy and delicious.

The ultimate crunch trick

In order to achieve the perfect crispness of the fish, it is crucial to drain them well after washing and cleaning them and to roll them in flour just before frying. With this trick, you will ensure that the dumplings will not stick during frying and will remain extremely crispy.

Grill them. Photo: Elle Hughes / Pexels


Grill them instead of frying them. This will give them a crispy exterior, while the interior will still be tender and juicy. You can also brush them lightly with oil or butter before baking for extra flavor and crunch

Use a herbal mixture

Roll them in breadcrumbs mixed with chopped fresh herbs such as parsley, dill and basil and grated parmesan cheese. This mixture will add crunch and flavor to them.

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