The recipe for happiness is not simple, but a few tips can help you live easier, more beautiful and more relaxed. Once you accept these rules, life becomes much better.
What is the recipe for happiness? Before you blame the environment for all bad things, take a look in the mirror. You are your own best friend and worst enemy. You cannot get out of the endless cycle of problems if you do not remove the internal obstacles that hinder your growth and development.
To overcome the obstacles that stand in your way to a happy life is Russian psychiatrist Mikhail Litvak devised an approach he called "psychological aikido".
Let's take a look at some of his tips.
Happiness is just a side effect of a well-organized life.
Arrange the things, thoughts, feelings and priorities in life and you will see that nervousness and stress will disappear.
When talking to a person, remember that they also have a high opinion of themselves. Just like you!
Every person you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Always respect others and different opinions. They also have their own views and reasons why they think so.
Words are intangible. Man is always defined by his actions. If you just talk about something and do nothing about it, people will lose faith and interest in you. When your job becomes something real, the chances of someone helping and supporting you are greater.
When success comes, all dissatisfaction goes away.
Due to dissatisfaction with oneself, many frustrations arise. Therefore, you often resent yourself, as well as others. Doing something you love will make you better at it and become more successful. Then you will not even notice the moment when all dissatisfaction will disappear.
Want to see your worst enemy? Look in the mirror.
We are our own worst enemies. You have to fight your demons and break down the barriers that prevent you from growing and developing. Basically, as a person we exist within very strict boundaries set by society and education.
If you go straight, you don't get very far.
Just because you're going straight doesn't mean you're going in the right direction. Imagine you are in a building on the 30th floor. The fastest way to the base would be to jump out of the window, but that's where your journey would end. Finding the elevator or stairs is a much better and safer option.
Having a goal in life
When you don't have a goal to aim for, you won't see anything and you'll keep going in circles. The goal sharpens the vision. Your attention span is limited and you can only notice what you need to. Aiming is like setting the focus on a camera, if you set it wrong you won't see what you need.
Proving something to someone means you live for that person.
If you want to have a happy life, stop proving yourself right. Think about what exactly is proof? It's just an attempt to change someone's mind about something. But why do you even need one? Live your life for yourself, there is no point in proving anything to anyone.
We do the best things when we are alone. Only people who hate themselves can't be alone. They frantically try to join any group of people to make themselves feel better. A person who is mentally mature uses time, not people, for personal development and progress. Later, he shares this information with others, which may be useful.
Happiness is when what you want, you can and must do.
People are often torn when it comes to these three things. They have to do something, but they don't want to; they want to, but they can't, and so on. The only thing one has to do is evolve.
It is better to communicate with a good book than with an empty person.
When a person does not have a goal, he does not see anything clearly. The goal sharpens one's view of the world.
Depression is given to man so that he can think about himself.
Happiness grows when you share it with other people and make them happy.
Don't underestimate people.
Learn to live for yourself. Refuse to feel the need to constantly prove yourself to someone. Otherwise, you will be living your life for others.
Take the right path, not the easy path.