
Moon diet: you can lose 2-3 kilograms in 24 hours

Photo: envato

If you are interested in how to lose excess weight and cleanse your body at the same time, then the Moon Diet is definitely something you need to try!

Moon diet is a nutritional regimen based on the phases of the moon.

In phase waxing moon we are supposed to focus on enjoyment proteins, because then the body should better absorb proteins and build muscles. Fats and carbohydrates should be avoided during this phase.

In phase the waning moon should focus on ingestion carbohydrates and vegetables, because then the body should get rid of excess water and waste materials more easily. Fats and proteins should be avoided during this phase.

V young phase they are supposed to stick to a simple diet that is high in vegetables and fruit, but low in protein and fat.

The Moon Diet is an excellent way to cleanse the body of all toxins, as well as to lose 2 to 3 kilograms in 24 hours. The results will be even better if you introduce some physical activity, as you will speed up the detoxification process and speed up the metabolism.

What is the Moon Diet?

The main rule of the lunar diet is fasting during the lunar month. A 24-hour fast is recommended.

Drink water! Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

During the diet, only liquids are allowed on the fasting day. Plain water is recommended, you can use tea (without sugar) as a substitute. And physical activity such as walking is recommended.

What to do if you can't stand such a regime?

It is allowed, if you really have a crisis, to include freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice, but without sugar and additives. Alcohol and milk are strictly prohibited from drinks, and the amount of liquid you should consume is 3 and 4 liters depending on your body constitution.

The main ingredient of the 24-hour moon diet is water! Photo: Gustavo Fring / Pexels

How long does the moon diet last?

You start it at the moment when the Moon goes into a new phase, i.e. when it starts to be young and lasts 24 hours.

How to prevent the yo-yo effect?

The unwritten rule is that rapid weight loss means even faster weight gain, and possibly additional weight gain. In order not to get into such a situation, it is recommended that you continue with a healthy diet after the 24-hour fast and do not exaggerate the amount.

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