
Successful people do THIS for the first 10 minutes of the day

Photo: envato

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but some people use their time much more efficiently than others. Successful people know that the first minutes of the day are very important, so they spend the first 10 minutes of the day doing activities that help them start the day in a more productive and positive way.

Every day we wake up to a new day with new opportunities and challenges. For many of us, however, the day begins with quickly getting out of bed, taking a shower, and taking the first sip of coffee before going to work or starting our daily tasks.

Successful people, however, have a different approach to beginning of the day. They dedicate the first 10 minutes of their day to themselves and to preparing themselves for the challenges that the day brings.

Why is this so important? Scientific research shows that morning routines have a positive effect on mood and productivity throughout the day.

If we start the day stressed and rushed, we are likely to feel that way throughout the day. But if we take the time to calm down, collect ourselves, and focus on what's important, we're likely to be more productive throughout the day.

Meditate. Photo: Mikael Blomkvist / Pexels

Here are some activities that the most successful people often do in the first 10 minutes of the day:

1. Planning the day

Successful people start their day by reviewing their schedule and planning their priorities. This way, they know which tasks they need to complete first and how they will use their time. Planning their day helps them organize their work, save time and keep their thoughts clear.

2. Meditation

They have a habit of starting the day with meditation or some other form of relaxation such as breathing techniques or yoga. Meditation helps them calm their minds and focus on the present moment, which improves their productivity and reduces stress.

3. Reading

They start the day by reading books that inspire, motivate and help them maintain a positive attitude. This gives them a new perspective and ideas for their work. Reading can include professional literature, motivational books, or even magazines and news.

Plan your day. Photo: Ylanite Koppens / Pexels

4. Physical activity

Many choose to exercise in the morning, such as jogging, yoga or another form of exercise, as it helps them feel good and activated to start the day. In addition, physical activity can improve concentration and productivity throughout the day.

5. Visualization

Some high achievers use visualization to visualize their goals and what they will do to achieve them. This helps them stay focused and motivated throughout the day and avoid unnecessary distractions.

6. Writing

Some prefer to write instead of reading or meditating. Writing can include journaling, a list of tasks or goals for the day, or reflecting on your life and career. Writing can help organize thoughts and put them on paper, which improves clarity and reduces stress.

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