
Walking or running: tips on which exercise is better for you

Photo: envato

We all know that physical exercise is good for the body and mind, and regular exercise brings many benefits, from increasing muscle strength, losing excess body weight and normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and more. It is only important that you choose the one that suits your wishes and your well-being.

When we talk about body transformation or a new healthier way of life, we most often hear that someone has started walking or running. If you are also interested in which of these two activities to choose, the pros and cons of both, listed below, can help you.

Advantages of walking:

  • It can be very simple and cost nothing. It is perfect for any beginner, even those who are not physically fit.
  • You don't need expensive equipment and accessories, it's just good to have suitable footwear.
  • Walking is kind to your joints and is recommended for anyone who has ever had problems with sprains or fractures.
  • It helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate.
  • It has a beneficial effect on reducing stress.
Photo: Trail / Unsplash

Disadvantages of walking:

  • You may not be able to reach faster and more advanced goals just by walking.
  • If the number of calories burned is important to you, then walking may not be a suitable form, unless it is walking up a hill at a faster pace.
  • It can become very boring for many people.

Benefits of running:

  • Running allows you to burn more calories in the same amount of time than walking.
  • Suitable for those who are limited by time.
  • It costs nothing to run in nature.
  • It is excellent recreation for the lungs, blood pressure and heart rate.
Photo: Sincerely Media / Unsplash

Disadvantages of running:

  • Running is not recommended for those who decide to exercise for the first time, especially not for someone who is significantly overweight or has a sedentary job. The body is not used to such movements and can quickly get injured because of this. If you are a beginner, it is better to start with walking on the flat, then walking up the hill, fast walking and only then running.
  • Running can be dangerous due to injuries, as it is a high-intensity exercise. Especially if you run outdoors and not in a gym, sprains or other stress injuries can quickly occur. Be careful when choosing footwear, as the correct footwear is very important.
Photo: Greg Rosanke/Unsplash

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