
These are the amazing beneficial effects of shaggy walking

Photo: envato

"A dog is a man's best friend," is a well-known saying that cannot be disputed. Spending time with a furry friend also has a beneficial effect on our overall health. So you won't regret it if you take your canine pet for another round right after reading this article.

See how beneficial a walk with a furry friend can be to your health and well-being.

It lowers blood pressure and relieves stress

Studies have shown that even a 15-minute walk with a furry friend lowers blood pressure, which is often the result of stress. Fresh air and a good dose of vitamin D, which is formed under the influence of the sun's rays, will help you feel more relaxed and satisfied.

Photo: Unsplash/Josh Hild

Cardiovascular health and obesity prevention

If you speed up your walk a bit, you can easily classify walking as a cardio exercise. This is the season for both you and your four-legged friend. With a sufficient amount of walks, it will also be easier for the puppy to maintain an appropriate weight, as extra pounds will put additional strain on his joints and possibly trigger some health problems.

For stronger muscles, joints and bones

Physical activity visibly improves the vitality of our body, so walking also contributes to better health of joints, bones and muscle strength. Even a 15-30 minute walk a day will reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.

Photo: Unsplash/Marek Szturc

Positive impact on mental health

Socializing with animals has a beneficial effect on our mental health. Their boundless dedication and ability "to listen to our problems" are good reasons to spend some more time with them. Walks will strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend, and at the same time they are a great opportunity to start practicing mindfulness.

Healthy lifestyle habits

Studies have shown that dog owners get more fresh air than those individuals who do not own dogs. That is why dogs have a significant influence on the formation of long-term healthy habits. As responsible owners, we also spend less time lying on the bed in the morning, because we are well aware that our furry friend needs to relieve himself and exercise.

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