
Recipe: Strawberry and elderberry liqueur - enjoy the taste of spring all year round

Photo: envato

Strawberry-elder liqueur is a real pleasure for all lovers of natural flavors and aromas. This simple recipe combines the sweetness of fresh strawberries with the subtle floral note of elderberry to create a drink that will transport you to spring even in the middle of winter. In addition to ensuring that you have a little bit of spring in the bottle, making this liqueur is a great opportunity to go for a walk in the woods and gather fresh ingredients.

Strawberry-elder liqueur can also be prepared with wild strawberries, which add an even more intense and natural taste. Wild berries, which you can pick while walking in the forest, bring a unique aroma that will further enrich your liqueur. This natural touch makes the drink particularly special, as it combines the wild sweetness of strawberries and the delicate floral note of elderberry. Regardless of whether you use local or wild berries, your liqueur will be a real sensation that will charm all your guests.

Follow our recipe and create a drink that will enchant your taste buds and bring a touch of nature to every season.

Strawberry-elder liqueur: Enjoy the taste of spring all year round

Strawberry-elder liqueur is easy to make and brings sweet spring scents into your home that you can enjoy all year round. Here is a detailed recipe to help you create this delicious drink.

Strawberry and elderberry liqueur

  • Servings: 12
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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  • 500 g of fresh strawberries
  • 15 large elderflowers
  • 1 liter of homemade brandy or vodka
  • 500 g of sugar
  • 500 ml of water
  • Juice of one lemon


1. Preparation of strawberries and elderflowers: Wash the strawberries, remove the stems and cut them in half. Gently dust the elderflowers to remove insects and dust, but do not wash them to avoid losing the precious pollen that provides the aroma. 2. Maceration: Place sliced strawberries and elderflowers in a large glass jar. Pour brandy or vodka, close the jar and put it in a cool and dark place for about 2 weeks. Shake the glass gently every day to mix the flavors well. 3. Preparation of sugar syrup: When the maceration is finished, prepare the sugar syrup. Combine the sugar and water in a saucepan and heat over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Allow the syrup to cool. When the syrup is cooled, add the lemon juice. 4. Mixing and filtering: Strain the macerated mixture through a fine strainer or cheesecloth to remove solid particles of berries and elderflowers. Mix the filtered liquid with sugar syrup. 5. Ripening: Pour the prepared liqueur into clean bottles and close them tightly. The liqueur should mature for at least another month so that the flavors are well mixed and rounded. 6. Enjoyment: After ripening, your strawberry-elder liqueur is ready to drink. Serve it chilled as an aperitif or digestif, but you can also use it as an ingredient in cocktails.

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