
Why shouldn't you keep a glass of water on your nightstand overnight?

Photo: envato

Had a sip of water from a glass in the middle of the night? But why might this not be the best idea?

If you're one of those people who likes to put a glass of water next to your bed before going to bed so you have it handy if you're thirsty at night, then you're not alone. However, this habit is not as innocent as it seems.

Why might it not be wise to leave a glass of water by your bed overnight?

Hygienic aspects

Leaving an open glass of water on the nightstand means it's exposed to dust, germs and potential allergens. The dust that accumulates in the bedroom can land in the glass and consequently in your water. If you have pets, hair can also end up in the water.

Glass of water. Photo: Fotios / Pexels

Airborne microbes are another concern. During sleep, we release moisture and bacteria through breathing, which can settle on the surface of the water. If the jar is left overnight, bacteria can multiply, which can lead to unpleasant infections or digestive problems.

Chemical contamination

In addition to microbiological risks, there is also the possibility of chemical contamination. Water that stands for long periods of time can absorb chemicals from the environment. The materials used to make furniture, paint on the walls and other objects in the room can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs). If the jar is open, these compounds can enter the water.

Plastic glasses are particularly problematic. Plastics can release chemicals such as bisphenol A (BPA), which is a known endocrine disruptor. Even if you use a glass jar, there is no guarantee that your water is completely safe, as glass can also release some substances, especially if it is not of high quality.

Plastic bottles are not a good choice. Photo: Steve / Pexels

Taste and quality of water

Water that stands overnight loses its freshness. Water can absorb odors from the environment, which affects its taste. Old water often becomes stale, meaning its taste changes due to exposure to air. Some people are more sensitive to these changes and may perceive an unpleasant taste, which discourages drinking.

Security aspects

There is also a risk of water spillage. While sleeping, we can unknowingly move and knock over a glass. Spilled water can damage furniture, stain carpets or even cause electrical short circuits if it comes into contact with electrical appliances.

Drink a glass of water before going to bed. Photo: Olly / Pexels

In addition, you can accidentally hit the glass when you wake up in the night, which can lead to breakage and possible injuries. Broken glass in the dark is a great danger to you and your loved ones.

Alternative solutions

Instead of leaving a glass of water by your bed overnight, consider other options. One of the better solutions is to use swater bottles with lids. Such a bottle will prevent dust and microbes from entering the water and reduce the risk of spillage.

It is also important to drink enough water before going to bed you reduce the need to drink at night.

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